I had slipped a disc and was frozen in a spasm of pain. 我有一个椎间盘错位了,疼得我动弹不得。
Carl slipped a disc in his back while warming up. 热身时卡尔腰椎间盘不慎错位了。
Surgeons have pioneered a radical cure for the slipped disc, a common cause of back pain, by using transplants from donors. 外科医师已经开辟了使用捐献者移植物的根治性手术治愈椎间盘脱出的先河,椎间盘脱出引起背痛的普遍情况。
Maintenance guy's mother slipped a disc. 维修工的母亲椎间盘膨出。
The X-RAY shows that I have a slipped disc. 光显示我脱了腰间盘。
I had slipped a disc. 我有一个椎间盘突出了。
The doctor diagonised that his backpain was caused by a slipped disc. 医生诊断说他背疼是因腰椎间盘突出引起的。